Saturday, October 2, 2010

And we're off! Finally!

Finally got this system trading on a live account! After more than a year of testing, coding, and paper trading.

I'm still amazed at seeing the trades execute by themselves and though I don't need to, some nights I just sit and watch the system to do its thing.

For interests sake - had I started at the beginning of the month, I would have done 14 trades and end of month result would be +$2,472, or 9.62%.


Craig said...

What made you choose those particular stocks?

Nizar said...

Hi Craig,

I have a watchlist of about 50 stocks and the stocks in it were chosen mostly for their liquidity.

They are all in either the S&P100 or Nasdaq 100.

My software/broker then runs through the watchlist and buy whichever stocks meet the buy criteria.

Thanks for dropping by.


Craig said...

Thank you for your answer. BTW, I'm trying to get the same sort of trading operation up and running, I'm in NZ.

Travelling Trader said...

Hi Nizar,
Following with interest, when will you update results?

Nizar said...

Hi Rob,

I hope to be updating monthly.

Thanks for dropping by.
