Sunday, January 13, 2008

Portfolio Update 11/01/2008

3 sells for next week.

And we have the first closed trade winner in the first parcel of STS! LOL though it wasn't too impressive.

CSM, FLT, and RSP are the candidates for next week.

FLT will be added to the portfolio, as the other two are under takeover.


Cameron said...

Interesting times Niz!

I've put my system on the back-burner for the time being, but given current market conditions I don't think I'm missing much.

Keep up the posting, I drop by often ;) Looking forward to starting posting again myself soon.

Anonymous said...

Hi Nizar,

Was just curious to find out at what level of drawdown you will shut this system down? Sorry for the rather negative question, but given that market conditions aren't exactly ideal for trend following right now, was something that I thought needed to be asked:-)

Great job on the blog, there is some really good info on here.



Nizar said...

Hi Prof,

Thanks for the kind words re: the blog.

I will be addressing your question in a post over the weekened.

Best regards,